One of the things I learned about in the classes we took for adoption was about attachment theory. It basically says that if a child's needs are not met by their parents when they are young, the child will learn not to attach or trust. As I was listening to "Bringing Up Girls" by Dr. Dobson, he explained that the part of the brain that is supposed to learn to attach actually breaks. I'm sure I'm not using the best terms or explaining it perfectly, but that's the idea. I felt so sad and heart-broken over hearing this information, and so want our girl to eventually feel attached and learn to trust us and others.
As I spoke to a friend, she reminded me of a great truth - LOVE HEALS! Just as human bones are broken at times, doctors have learned how to help the healing process and soon the person can use that arm or leg once again. And so I was renewed with great energy and hope to remember that God's love and our love can help heal our girls doubts and distrust and show her that there is a love that will never let her go! It was something I knew deep down, but needed reminded of how great our Father's love is!!!
Susie- Our God is so faithful and so great. Praying for your family (present and future!) that you will be content in his timing and his plan. Looking to your future with great anticipation, Jules