The Butler Family

The Butler Family

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Disclosure Meeting on the calendar . . . June 9, 2011

After telling our social worker we were ready to move forward, he called Janice's county worker to set up a disclosure meeting.  This would basically be a meeting where her county worker would reveal all known information about Janice's past and current situation/life to us.  The reason for this is to be sure that we felt comfortable with the issues she has faced, and with any known issues she currently has.  They want you to know up front so that if you decide to move forward, you are going into it very aware and ready.  The hope is that once the process begins, you can continue toward the goal of adoption without hurting the child or your current family.

The date was set and on the calendar for Thursday, June 16th at 1pm.  It was great timing for us and gave us more time to seek God and pray over the next week.  We were on our way!

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